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Mommy Makeover for the New You

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  • Written By: Midsota Plastic Surgery
Mommy Makeover for the New You

There is nothing that can really compare to the joy that motherhood brings. For many of us, this time of life involves a number of sacrifices in order to ensure we are bringing up our children in a world of love, happiness, and devotion. We are expected to sacrifice many things during motherhood but the way we look does not have to be one of them.

Would you like to regain your shape after childbirth? Your body went through some tremendous changes through pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Diet and exercise may have helped, but parts of your body still don’t look like they did before you had children. Some common after effects of pregnancy are breasts that have lost volume and perkiness; abdominal skin and muscles that have become lax, leading to fullness in the lower abdomen; increased body fat; and changes in fat distribution that affect overall body shape.

A mommy makeover is a series or combination of cosmetic procedures designed specifically for you to regain a more youthful appearance which is closer to your pre-baby body. You have earned it!

I would be happy to discuss your questions and concerns in a personal consultation, as would my surgical colleagues at Midsota Plastic Surgeons. A consultation offers you a chance to discuss your needs so you can decide, with your surgeon, which solutions may give you your best result.