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When Can I Wear a Bra After Breast Augmentation?

  • Category: Breast
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  • Written By: Midsota Plastic Surgery
When Can I Wear a Bra After Breast Augmentation?

One of the most fun and exciting things to do after breast augmentation is shop for a new wardrobe. Many women look forward to wearing new tops, bikinis and bras that will accentuate their new breast size. However, you will need to be patient since it will be a little while before you can begin wearing regular bras again.

The specific amount of time it will take before you can wear a bra after breast augmentation will depend on a variety of factors, including the type of breast implant used. You won’t be able to wear a bra for up to one month after receiving saline breast implants. If you opt for silicone breast implants, you’ll need to wear a sports bra for a while to ensure you receive the proper support.

When Can I Start Purchasing New Bras?

While you can generally begin wearing bras again within 4-6 weeks (depending on the type of implant), we generally recommend that our breast augmentation patients wait about three months before investing heavily in new bras for their wardrobe. It can take up to three months for all swelling after breast augmentation to subside and for your implants to settle into their proper position. As a result, you won’t be able to determine the right bra size during this process and if you spend a lot of money on new bras during this recovery period, you may find that they don’t fit properly after a few months.

Our plastic surgeons recommend using inexpensive, comfortable bras that don’t contain underwire until you’re fully recovered and your final results are visible. Underwire bras may cause irritation near the incision site, making them a less than ideal option while you’re still healing.

How Implant Texture and Shape Impacts Your Timeline for Wearing a Bra

Smooth, round-shaped breast implants will take more time to settle into position and take on their proper shape. If you wear a bra during this time period, it may result in irregularities in your final breast appearance. While this risk is rare, it is still best to be on the safe side and avoid wearing a bra until your breast implants fully drop into place.

Textured, teardrop-shaped breast implants often require additional compression and support during the recovery period. This is due to the fact that implant rotation will result in an odd breast appearance if you have teardrop-shaped implants. In order to avoid the risk of implant rotation, it’s important to wear a supportive garment that will keep the implants in their proper position. We recommend using sports bra day and night after your procedure to allow the implant to properly mold into the breast pocket.

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